Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ruderal landscapes no.1 - 123°22'7.45" W, 48° 25'44"N

ru·der·al / ˈroōdərəl/ Bot.
• adj. (of a plant) growing on waste ground or among refuse.

- former parking lot cleared for development - Pandora Avenue Victoria BC
- currently an abandoned lot - no public access
- Victoria' s best public plantings
- Best time to view - mid to late July

I find the conversation between the site, its architecture, vegetation and art spirit lifting.

By capturing this dialogue between society, the built environment and pioneering plants I hope to offer insight + optimism toward the restoration of our landscape + natural resources.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

patterns of civilisation: the altered landscape of osaka bay

While researching the pacific rim coastline (using google earth), I came upon the images of Osaka Bay, Japan and found the language and geometry of this human engineered coastline fascinating. This modification of a once naturally contoured coastline is an awesome display of necessity in design.