Latin name: Epilobium angustifolium
Common name(s): Fireweed, Rosebay willow herb.Family: Onagraceae
Range: Europe, including Britain, temperate Asia and N. America.
Attributes: produces tall purple flower spikes up to 18 inches long from early to late summer.
Uses: plant en masse, supports a wide range of wildlife, good for naturalizing.
Typical height: 2m
Habitat: pioneer growth after a fire or disturbance - leading to its common name, rocky ground, waste areas, woodland garden, dappled shade, shady edge, meadow.
Soil and site requirements/tolerances: prefers a well-drained but moisture retentive soil in a sunny position, will tolerate most soils.

Epilobium angustifolium has to be one of my favourite plants. It is generally under appreciated and often considered to be a weed. However, I cultivate this plant in my own garden and admire it for its naturalistic character, easy care and ability to support wildlife. I have recently began propagating the white version, Epilobium angustifolium "Album" which I have used successfully in many of my projects.