Friday, April 17, 2009

10 meadow wildflowers of British Columbia

On a walk this morning I passed a neighbours garden that has naturalized with Dodecatheon hendersonii and Erythronium oreganum, a striking example of our native wildflower meadow. For me this image evokes a sense of complete balance and was the influence behind today's post.

image Christian Barnard

1. Dodecatheon hendersonii - Henderson's shooting star
Inhabits moist to wet meadows, grassy bluffs and stream banks.

image Rod Gilbert

2. Erythronium oreganum - Easter lily
Forming enchanting drifts of white nodding flowers our native Easter lily can be found in dry to moist meadows and open forest.

image Rod Gilbert

3. Camassia quamash - Common camas
Camas inhabits open meadows and grassy slopes.

image Bob Keller

4. Triteleia hyacinthina - Fools onion
Found in open grasslands, coastal bluffs and rocky grasslands.

5. Allium acuminatum - Hookers onion
Can be found thriving on dry hills and flats, rocky open knolls and coastal headlands.

6. Antennaria rosea - Rosy pussytoes
Occupies dry grassy slopes, meadows and along river terraces from sea level to the sub alpine zone.

image Rod Gilbert

7. Sisyrinchium douglasii - Satin flower
One of our earliest wildflowers, it can be found in our Garry oak ecosystems or on rocky bluffs.

image Robin

8. Lamium utrulatum - Spring gold
Inhabits our dry open meadows.

image random truth

9. Ranunculus occidentalis - Western buttercup
A very common flower in our parks the Western buttercup can be found in meadows, woodlands, thickets, and along our beaches and streams.

image via Botany BC

2. Fritillaria affinis syn. F. lanceolata - Chocolate lily
Fritillaria is found in open Garry Oak meadows. grassy bluffs and open forests.

image Rod Gilbert


  1. Very Cool! Mr. I like the latin names and the story behind this entry is really sweet.

    Happy Sunday!

  2. Between the Rhodos, the wildflowers and the roses, I cannot choose. May and June are my favotite flower months. The bees are too bad in Aug and Sept for me to enjoy being outside.

    Thanks for the wildflower education!

  3. It's so nice to have the local flowers actual names, I don't think I have ever known what most of them were called yet I have seen almost all of them multiple times! Cool post :)

  4. Beautiful flowers Christian
    Its the best time of the year in Jordan, maybe I should send you a few pictures of some meadow flowers from here to look at.
